American  Patriots  Coalition
Television Spots


The chief work of the American Patriots Coalition is to provide television messages to local political and educational interests to air in their markets as part of an effort to encourage their friends and neighbors to get involved in the election process. These messages are designed to reach Americans who haven't yet realized the importance of voting, particularly parents, because they have the most to gain by getting American back on track.

We have produced three messages. By clicking on the images below, you can watch them. You will need a high-speed connection. (If you don't get it to work, you might have to turn off a pop-up blocker. And if you are still stymied screening these spots in Flash format, please click here for alternatives.)

"Working Mom"            "Train Wreck"                  "Betrayed"     

The three :30 spots are network quality. They are available to all federal candidates for a nominal "tag fee" of only $250 per spot which covers the cost of customizing each message with the "paid for by..." for the particular campaign  and distributing the spot(s) to the local broadcast and/or cable facilities.

The spots can be produced in letter-box format with voter registration and/or additional campaign information to supplement the message.

Political action committee, associations, organizations and individuals are also invited to air these messages to increase national voter turn-out.

Register to Vote

What more You Can Do


And furthermore...

*** We can place your spots with the greatest effect, on the media that will reach likely voters, and at a discount.

*** These spots can be made available in Spanish.

*** Radio versions (:30 and 1:00) of these spots are also available.

To contact the APC, please click here to email or call 415-389-8665 / fax:381-2664
                                  PO Box 100, Mill Valley, California 94942.

© 2004-2011
Tony Seton Communications