Pat DuVal was born and raised in the Colored Town section of Fort Pierce, Florida at a time when segregation was harsh, and it looked like blacks and whites would never live in harmony. Pat escaped the ugliness of the Deep South when he went into the Army. When he finished his service at Ft. Ord in California, he became the first black deputy in Monterey County. There he found a much more diverse culture. It was quite startling at first but he was a true pioneer. It was also in The Golden State that Pat followed his dream of singing, everything from opera to country to rock-'n-roll, and where he earned the moniker of "The Singing Sheriff." This book recounts his historic American journey.


Pat DuVal - The Singing Sheriff

The true story of a man who freed himself
from the bonds of virtual slavery in the Deep South
and pioneered a healthy, productive life in California.



"Pat DuVal is a real treasure. In addition to being a great deputy serving Monterey County for 30 years, he is a wonderful singer with great range and tone. I was thrilled when he agreed to appear and sing on my Best Friends television series. His book tells the story of an important life. Thank you, Pat."

                                                                                                           -- Doris Day




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For more information, please send an email to Pat DuVal.