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Award-winning broadcast journalist...political consultant...writer...photographer...pilot |
Stillwater Club
(Working Notes)
Thanks to Walt Conley.
He saw me standing by the
Highway One gate with a cardboard sign that read “Will Orate for Food.”
We negotiated. I said I
could do an hour for a sandwich and insisted on a deposit.
He offered a half-sandwich
for a half-hour.
A favorite of
mine...peanut butter and...? peanut butter.
Walt, did you want a
Walt and I met last month
so he could vet met and to alert me not to be too extreme. We had a
great talk. If Walt is a liberal, this ain’t gonna be a lotta fun for
most of you.
First, I want to note that
out of respect to this August assembly, I don’t have a dog-eared
run-of-the-mill speech. Everything I have to say is........ad lib.
As regards Walk don’t
run...you might think I don’t want to win.
You’re right.
I’m happy to stay here on
the Monterey Peninsula, but I want someone in the White House who will
fix what’s broken.
And I have a platform for
that person.
It’s the
Progressive-Conservative Platform – the new P-C.
First, to be clear. I’m
not an Obama fan. If I were advising someone to run against him –
whether a Republican, an Independent, or even a Democrat from the
cojones wing of his party – it might be with a simple, one-word
slogan like, “Disappointed?”
This country is aching for
leadership. We’ve had none from this administration. I mean, when the
White House announced their five-point plan to dealing with Libyan
leader Khadaffi, it was something like , “Please…pretty please…pretty
pretty please…with sugar on it…aw, come on.”
I should also note that if
this person with my platform were to run as a Republican, he could clear
the field by supplying not a birth certificate but an E-E-G, as proof
that of actual brain activity.
Personally, I’m registered
DtS - Decline to State...which isn’t a proper appellation since I don’t
decline to state. I don’t like any political party. They’re only about
winning and holding power, not about fixing what’s wrong.
Back in 1976, some of you
are old enough to remember, when the NY Daily News ran a headline that
read “Ford to NY: Drop Dead” there was a suggestion that the city should
secede from the union, fire a shot in the direction of New Jersey,
surrender and demand reparations. We on the Monterey Peninsula might
consider that an alternative if my candidate doesn’t win.
And by the way, this isn’t
just about winning the White House. I expect a whole bunch of bright,
competent folks – when they hear about this platform – will enter the
Congressional races in their states and districts. I’m confident that we
will win a third of the Senate and the other two-thirds will either join
us or announce their plans to retire at the end of their term.
As regards the lower
chamber, sanity will continue to vie with incumbent hysteria, corruption
and greed...conditions which afflict both parties.
One of the major
difficulties in sorting out the disaster that is Washington is that many
politicians claim to be conservatives, but they are far from it.
The essential tenets of
and PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. The vast majority of Republicans, and those
Democrats who call themselves conservative have opposed every measure
that preserves the environment, they supported the invasion of Iraq,
they voted for trillions in tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, and
as regards personal responsibility, they don’t think individuals should
have a right to choose their friends, and women shouldn’t be able to
determine their own reproductive rights.
This is not to say that
they are wrong, necessarily. Just that they aren’t conservatives.
I would add that most
Democrats would fail any test as truly progressive.
So I would like to run by
you some of the truly conservative issues in the P-C Platform.
– environment - “An
Inconvenient Truth” – I didn’t get an Emmy for my docs, but I have the
credentials to know a quality piece of worth and that is one. Whether or
not you like Al Gore
– why the US is so
backward about climate change...weather casters; record violent weather
over the past decade; what if the deniers are wrong?
– End subsidies to
– End subsidies for fossil
– Launch at
Manhattan-style project to develop photovoltaics.
– First, let’s get our
terms right and stop referring to what we’re doing with our $1.5 T
military budget at national security. Every year we spend more money
than it would take payoff every would be terrorist on the planet,
including the Mexican cartels and every member of every street gang in
our country...and we are, every year, less secure.
– Chalmers Johnson has
written brilliant that for 60 years our economy has been run according
to the precepts of military Keynesianism. What Eisenhower so famously
called the military-industrial-complex. There is so much money involved
in building and selling weapons that it has bankrupted our economy.
Military contractors are the fourth branch of government. 63% of all
research in our country is spent on military projects. It’s not only
crazy – and immoral – but it has driven us over the edge of the cliff.
– We need to reduce our
military budget, and in point of fact, we could easily defend our shores
– do a much better job in fact – spending only $50B a year.
– Step one is to bring
home our troops from the 174 countries where we have them stationed. We
don’t need 100,000 troops in Europe. We don’t need huge bases in Okinawa
and Guam. By having our troops every where, we don’t make people feel
safe, and we make our country a target.
– Remember when Russia got
into a war with Georgia two summers ago. American forces had been in
Georgia training their troops to invade the disputed territories.
– I should admit that I
was all in favor of Russia taking Geogia, but my condition was that they
take Alabama and Mississippi, too.
– A lot of the war issues
are budget issues, as just noted. But here are some other specifics,
starting with health care.
– We rank 36th
in the world in health care. 43rd
in infant mortality. First in costs.
– So here are some
definitive proposals:
Ban smoking in public – indoors and outdoors.
Provide Medicare at cost for all of our citizens.
Eliminate all of the extra testing that’s done to cover medical
Limit malpractice payouts to a cost-plus basis.
Allow Medicare to negotiate prices with the drug
Shift the majority of health care from hospitals to
Teach hygiene, nutrition, and exercise in our
These measures would save
$750 B a year...Every year, forever.
– Decriminalize so-called
victimless crimes drugs, gambling, and prostitution. It would reduce
costs of nearly a trillion a year in law enforcement, prosecution, and
imprisonment, while making us safer and healthier. And convert these
activities from criminal to social issues, would make them huge revenue
generators. I mean, how can we have laws against gambling when we have
Indian casinos and Wall Street?
– Other court reform would
involve eliminating the nonsensical stalling that wastes time and money
in discovery when the facts are known. The major who killed all of those
people at Ft. Hood. He hasn’t gone to trial and there is no question of
his guilt. Maybe his sanity. The same with the Tucson killer. These
cases should be decided in a month, not years.
– Then there is the more
widespread and highly corrosive matter of illegal immigration.
- Back in 2006, I
conducted interviews with over 250 House, Senate and gubernatorial
challengers. I asked some of them what they thought my idea to cancel
school Thanksgiving Week so we could have all the school buses
available. Then take the 12 M illegal immigrants, bus them all to Texas,
give Texas back to Mexico. Some thought it was a good idea.
– A better idea is convert
them to taxpayers. Require that they register within 60 days or be
immediately deported. Put them on three years probation, require that
they learn English in the first year, and that they stop sending money
out of the country.
– Put a halt to all
immigration until we get this situation under control.
– What it comes down to
for me is that I believe that anyone in this country in need of help
should be able to approach anyone and ask for a doctor or police or
simply directions, but that’s not the way it is. And talk of national
security, if we can’t even communicate in our own communities, well, we
are wide open to sedition and invasion. United we stand, and we are not
united so long as 15 M people living in our country are not Americans.
This area overlaps when
talking about citizenship, and about national security. – We have lost
sight of what it means to be American.
– A pet bugaboo of mine is
the use of hyphenates. We have African-Americans, Latin-Americans,
Native-Americans, Handicapped -Americans...I’ve been on a campaign for
most of the past decade to end hyphenates. People who put another word
before American are undermining our country, when they don’t think of
themselves as Americans first.
– Yes, we all have other
cultures in our lifelines, but now we need to focus on being American.
– We also have to be less
sensitive about everything. Did you know that there is a new version of
“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” that has eliminated the word
“nigger”? I’m sorry but that’s lunacy, and a disgrace to some of the
finest literature in the history of our civilization. Indeed we are so
bent-over-backwards sensitive that when people say the “n-word” it has
so much baggage people cringe. Maybe we should call it the n-n-word or
the n-word-word.
– Our history is mostly a
noble climb. We shouldn’t be ashamed of it, try to erase it.
– This personal note...a
few years after my grandfather – who was a very noble man – died, I went
to Florida to visit with my grandmother. She drove me all around the
community, introducing me as Karl’s grandson. At a gas station, she told
the pumpman who I was, and this wizened old white man with very few
teeth said to me, “Your granddaddy was a great man. He taught me to say
Neegro instead of niggah.” Does that offend any of you?
There are a number of P-C
progressive-conservative planks to my platform that don’t particularly
fit in the four categories I’ve discussed so let me briefly touch on
some of them.
--The biggest is
education. Thomas Jefferson said, “If a nation expects to be ignorant
and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and
never will be.” Our country is at stake here.
We used to be tops in
education, and now we’re plumbing the bottom, at least relative to the
rest of the developed nations on the planet. One of the reasons is this
unfortunate fact: 47% of K-12 teachers are drawn from bottom quarter of
college grads.
– We desperately need to
fill our schools not with wardens but with great teachers. Instead we
are cutting hundreds of thousands of teaching positions around the
country, in the name of dealing with deficits.
Pshaw. We should keep
those we have but increase the school year to 220 days. That should
separate the serious teachers from those just holding a job.
– Second, dramatically
expand vocational training. Everyone needs to know the three Rs and many
can then go on to learning a trade instead of wasting time in college
simply to get a degree.
– Third, expand ESL
training everywhere. There should be no excuse for people living in this
country to not speak the language of the Declaration of Independence and
the Constitution, two of the greatest documents in the history of
civilization....in English.
– Fourth, teach
citizenship to every child. We have tragically low awareness of public
issues, and half of the eligibles in our country don’t even vote. That’s
a disgrace. (Many more Americans can name two of the seven dwarfs than
two of the nine Supreme Court justices, according to a recent survey.)
– And fifth, a favorite
issue...bussing. The purpose of bussing is to share bad schools by
sending students from poor areas to better districts. The problem is,
the students can’t vote so the schools stay poor. If we instead bussed
the administrators and teachers to the bad schools, you can be sure that
there would be serious political pressure to fix them.
– Also, I’d require
uniforms on all public school children. It would reduce mischief and
increase focus on studies.
– I’d require every
18-year-old to do 18 months of national service.
– I’d dramatically reduce
business costs and gasoline consumption, cut postal deliveries cut from
six days to two.
– I’d reduce noise
pollution by banning car horns from going off when people use a remote
to lock their vehicles. How dumb. How lazy. Only blind people really
might need them and who wants them driving anyway.
– I’d require tobacco
retailers to collect a nickel butt disposal deposit on every cigarette
they sell, and require cigarette makers to pay the deposit for every
cigarette butt that is turned in, including all of those that have
already been sold. San Francisco spends $11 MM a year picking up
cigarette trash. Plus the people who would be involved in the massive
clean-up of our nation could use the money.
– I’d ban all television
advertising targeting children under 16. Children don’t understand
caveat emptor, parents don’t need the added pressure, and there are
limited resources that shouldn’t be spent on junk, especially the junk
food that is responsible for our obesity epidemic. It is primarily the
result of television advertising for a bad diet.
Here’s the bottom line for
my Progressive-Conservative plan. We are a wealthy country with mostly
good people. Some of our people need help and we should provide it.
Every member of our society should have food, clothing, shelter, health
care...and opportunity...but it should be on our terms. No more money
handouts, no more script. We provide the necessities for those in need
in the form of housing, food products and not junk, hand-me-down goods
and clothing, no television, and health care based on personal
– And there has to be
give-back. People who receive from the community need to serve the
community, say for a minimum of 20 hours a week, walking the streets,
picking up litter, monitoring playgrounds, cleaning public facilities.
They can join CCC-style work forces to clear brush, fill sandbags, and
other tasks that benefit the common weal. Not only will the generosity
of the people be rewarded, but it will generate more of a sense of
Finally this warning. I’m not sure that we
are ready for democracy. I think we were, for a while, but I don’t know
about today. We have an incredible communications structure in place to
inform, but most people use it to be distracted. In truth, all too many
Americans have little sense of what it means to be citizens in a
democratic republic, and our nationhood is fraying. What we need to do is to find people to manage our national, state and local governance properly. But they must be people who are not in it for the job; not for the job title. We need people who want to get the job done. This platform that I’ve outlined today, in all due humility, can be a beginning road map to restore the luster to the shining city on the hill. Thank you.
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