you're here, now you're not. And not only that, but where are you?
Omigod, it looks a lot a scene from Heaven Can Wait.
You're not
dead, are you? That's a tough question. You feel all right. And
you're talking with people who look like people, although their
white toga-like outfits aren't what you'd normally see on the
streets of Monterey.
Well pal, from
now on, nothing is normal. You're there, you're heading here...and
on a mission!
First step, link
up with a charming ex-New Yorker now freelance copywriter for
advertising agencies. She doesn't know it but she's gonna be your
Wait 'til you try to explain that to her!
Then what happens
when you try to explain it all to the rest of the world is funny,
poignant, and purposeful, but mostly very dear.
Yes, yes,
yes...but don't forget that there's a time factor here. human hair wigs
Available in
paperback &
or through your local bookstore.

The Dawg