American  Patriots  Coalition
What More You Can Do

There is much more to the election process than voting. You can always be on the lookout for good leaders who might be willing to serve in public office. Our Founding Fathers did not believe we should have professional politicians but people from all walks of life who could contribute their ideas and experience to the common good.

With the campaign season upon us, most candidates have been already selected by their parties or through primaries. So now is the time to gear up for the fall elections.

What more can you do?

-- You can become a volunteer for a campaign.

-- You can email, write and phone everyone you know, especially in the key states, and remind them that our future depends on them.

-- You can wear a political button, put a bumper sticker on your car or place a sign in your yard or window.

-- You can tell your friends and neighbors about the importance of voting, as a vital concept to assure a responsive government.

-- You can hold meetings, with and without candidates, to discuss the election.

-- You can contribute money or facilities to campaigns.

-- You can contribute money to Independent Expenditure committees and PACs. If you would like to run the television spots we've produced in your area, contact us and we can set you up with a cost-effective schedule on the stations most likely to reach your target audience. And we'll do it at a discount rate.

Register to Vote
TV Spots

To contact the APC, please click here to email or call 831-655-3205
or write PO Box 7281, Carmel CA 93921.

© 2004-2011
Tony Seton Communications